Property | DC | TEI/XML | MARCXML | Unimarc | CDWA | CCO | Joconde | VRA Core | ISAD(G) |
Contributor [Receiver] | dc:contributor | [<correspAction type="received"><persName>] | / | / | Creator role | Role | 14 - Auteur ou collecteur, fabricant, commanditaire... | agent | / |
Creator [Sender] | dc:creator | <author> [<correspAction type="sent/received"><persName>] |
100 1 $a Personal Name | 700 Personal name/primary intellectual responsibility | Creator description | Controlled creator | 14 - Auteur ou collecteur, fabricant, commanditaire... | agent | Name of creator(s) |
Publisher | dc:publisher | <publisher> | 260$b Name of publisher | 210$c Name of publisher | Creator role | / | / | / | / |
Owner | / | <acquisition> | / | / | Owner/Agent | Current Location | 4 - Nom de la personne morale (ou physique) propriétaire du bien déposé | / | Archival history |
Property | DC | TEI/XML | MARCXML | Unimarc | CDWA | CCO | Joconde | VRA Core | ISAD(G) |
Title | dc:title | <title> | 245 $a Title | 200 1 $a Title Proper | Tutle text | Title | 8 - Désignation du bien | title | Title |
Language | dc:language | <textLang> | 41 Language code | 101 Language of the Item | / | Language | / | / | Language/scripts of material |
Subject | dc:subject | <msContents> | / | / | Subject Matter | Subject display | 8 - Désignation du bien | subject | Scope and content |
Material | dcterms:medium | <supportDesc marterial="..."> | / | / | Materials/Techniques Description | Material (controlled) | 10 - Matières ou matériaux | material | Extent and medium |
Technique | / | / | / | / | Materials/Techniques Description | Technique (controlled) | 11 - Technique de réalisation | technique | Physical characteristics and technical requirements |
Rights | dc:rights | <availability> | / | / | Copyright/Restrictions | / | 16 - Fonction d'usage | rights | Conditions governing access/Conditions governing reproductions |
Type | dc:type | / | / | / | Object/Work Type | Work type (controlled) | 8 - Désignation du bien | worktype | / |
Description | dc:description | <msContents> | / | / | Descriptive Note | Description | 8 - Désignation du bien | description | Description element |
Identifier | dc:identifier | <idno> | / | / | Object/Work Record ID | 001 Record Identifier | 1 - N° inventaire | location.refid / textref | Reference code(s) |
Source | dc:source | <source> | / | / | Citations | Source (controlled) | / | source | Existence and location of originals |
Format | dc:format | <dimensions> | / | / | Format/Size | Format | 12 - Mesures | / | Extent and medium of the unit of description |
Note | / | <note> | 500 $a General note | 300 $a Text of note | Remarks | Other Descriptive Notes | 18 - Observations | / | Note |
Property | DC | TEI/XML | MARCXML | Unimarc | CDWA | CCO | Joconde | VRA Core | ISAD(G) |
Place of birth | dcterms:coverage | <birth><placeName> | / | / | Birth Place | Nationality | 14 - Auteur ou collecteur, fabricant, commanditaire... | / | / |
Place of creation | dcterms:coverage | <creation><placeName> [ [<correspAction type="sent"><placeName>] |
/ | / | Creation Place/Original Location | Creation Location display | 17 - Provenance géographique | / | / |
Place of publication | dcterms:coverage | <pubPlace> | 260 $a Place of publication | 210$a Place of publication | / | / | / | / | / |
Original location | dc:coverage | <origPlace> | / | / | Provenance Description | Former Locations | 17 - Provenance géographique | / | / |
Current location | dc:coverage | <place> | / | / | Current Location Description | Current Location display | 17 - Provenance géographique | / | Reference code(s) |
Property | DC | TEI/XML | MARCXML | Unimarc | CDWA | CCO | Joconde | VRA Core | ISAD(G) |
Date of birth | dcterms:date | <birth><date> | / | / | Birth Date | Birth Date | 14 - Auteur ou collecteur, fabricant, commanditaire... | / | / |
Date of creation | dc:created | <creation><date> [ [<correspAction type="sent"><date>]] |
/ | / | Object/Work Type Date | Display Date | 15 - Epoque, datation ou date de récolte | / | Date(s) |
Date of publication | dcterms:date | <publicationStmt><date> | 260$c Date of publication | 210$d Date of publication | / | / | / | / | Date(s) |