The Conceptual Map

The Conceptual Map represents the real data as extracted from the chosen items, together with the explicit relationships.

Conceptual map

The E-R Model

An Entity-Relationship Model is a translation of the Conceptual Map in a more abstract formalism, which is focused exclusively on entities, relationships and their attributes



Metadata scouting

For each selected item the online catalog description by the institution was checked. In particular, major attention was paid to the analysis of the metadata and their respective standards. The metadata scouting phase aims at highlighting the relationship between each item and the most adequate standard. The standards provided by the institutions are marked by the symbol *.

Item Object Institution Metadata Standard
Portrait of Ludovico Ariosto Painting National Gallery, London VRA Core
Letter to Pietro Bembo Letter Archivio di Stato, Modena TEI/XML
Ms. S. Mart. 353 Manuscript Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III, Biblioteca San Martino, Neaples TEI/XML
Editio Princeps, ed. Mazzocchi Printed book Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Florence Unimarc*
Orlando furioso in English heroical verse Printed book Boston Public Library MARCXML*
Cor de Roland Work of art Musée Paul Dupuy, Toulouse Joconde*
Roland furieux Statue Musée du Louvre, Paris Joconde*
Fresco by Nicolà dell'Abate Painting Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna CCO
Flyer by Cervellati Flyer Genius Bononiae, Biblioteca dell'Archiginnasio, Bologna CDWA
Orlando furioso by Ronconi and Sanguineti Play Fachinformationsdienst für darstellende Kunst DC*
Six memos for the next millennium, Italo Calvino Printed Book Biblioteca Salaborsa, Bologna Unimarc*

Metadata alignment

The aim of the metadata alignment is to compare the different properties across the different standards. The following tables take into account the eight metadata standard identified in the scouting phase and the Dublin Core (DC), which is one of the most general metadata standard (indeed its utility goes beyond the cultural heritage domain). The alignment is structured in order to describe four main pieces of information: the agent (who?), the object (what?), the time-span (when?) and the location (where?).

Property DC TEI/XML MARCXML Unimarc CDWA CCO Joconde VRA Core ISAD(G)
Contributor [Receiver] dc:contributor [<correspAction type="received"><persName>] / / Creator role Role 14 - Auteur ou collecteur, fabricant, commanditaire... agent /
Creator [Sender] dc:creator <author>
[<correspAction type="sent/received"><persName>]
100 1 $a Personal Name 700 Personal name/primary intellectual responsibility Creator description Controlled creator 14 - Auteur ou collecteur, fabricant, commanditaire... agent Name of creator(s)
Publisher dc:publisher <publisher> 260$b Name of publisher 210$c Name of publisher Creator role / / / /
Owner / <acquisition> / / Owner/Agent Current Location 4 - Nom de la personne morale (ou physique) propriétaire du bien déposé / Archival history
Property DC TEI/XML MARCXML Unimarc CDWA CCO Joconde VRA Core ISAD(G)
Title dc:title <title> 245 $a Title 200 1 $a Title Proper Tutle text Title 8 - Désignation du bien title Title
Language dc:language <textLang> 41 Language code 101 Language of the Item / Language / / Language/scripts of material
Subject dc:subject <msContents> / / Subject Matter Subject display 8 - Désignation du bien subject Scope and content
Material dcterms:medium <supportDesc marterial="..."> / / Materials/Techniques Description Material (controlled) 10 - Matières ou matériaux material Extent and medium
Technique / / / / Materials/Techniques Description Technique (controlled) 11 - Technique de réalisation technique Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Rights dc:rights <availability> / / Copyright/Restrictions / 16 - Fonction d'usage rights Conditions governing access/Conditions governing reproductions
Type dc:type / / / Object/Work Type Work type (controlled) 8 - Désignation du bien worktype /
Description dc:description <msContents> / / Descriptive Note Description 8 - Désignation du bien description Description element
Identifier dc:identifier <idno> / / Object/Work Record ID 001 Record Identifier 1 - N° inventaire location.refid / textref Reference code(s)
Source dc:source <source> / / Citations Source (controlled) / source Existence and location of originals
Format dc:format <dimensions> / / Format/Size Format 12 - Mesures / Extent and medium of the unit of description
Note / <note> 500 $a General note 300 $a Text of note Remarks Other Descriptive Notes 18 - Observations / Note
Property DC TEI/XML MARCXML Unimarc CDWA CCO Joconde VRA Core ISAD(G)
Place of birth dcterms:coverage <birth><placeName> / / Birth Place Nationality 14 - Auteur ou collecteur, fabricant, commanditaire... / /
Place of creation dcterms:coverage <creation><placeName> [
[<correspAction type="sent"><placeName>]
/ / Creation Place/Original Location Creation Location display 17 - Provenance géographique / /
Place of publication dcterms:coverage <pubPlace> 260 $a Place of publication 210$a Place of publication / / / / /
Original location dc:coverage <origPlace> / / Provenance Description Former Locations 17 - Provenance géographique / /
Current location dc:coverage <place> / / Current Location Description Current Location display 17 - Provenance géographique / Reference code(s)
Property DC TEI/XML MARCXML Unimarc CDWA CCO Joconde VRA Core ISAD(G)
Date of birth dcterms:date <birth><date> / / Birth Date Birth Date 14 - Auteur ou collecteur, fabricant, commanditaire... / /
Date of creation dc:created <creation><date> [
[<correspAction type="sent"><date>]]
/ / Object/Work Type Date Display Date 15 - Epoque, datation ou date de récolte / Date(s)
Date of publication dcterms:date <publicationStmt><date> 260$c Date of publication 210$d Date of publication / / / / Date(s)

Theoretical Model

The theoretical model allows to reach the level of data interpretation through natural language. It describes the selected items and information concerning agents, places, dates and subjects/concepts. This process allows to produce an enhanced version of the original E/R, capable of offering a more detailed analysis of the considered domain

Theoretical model

Conceptual Model

The conceptual model is a formal representation of the theoretical model, through an ontological approach. It is constructed by reusing existing schemas, vocabularies, and ontologies. A graphical representation of the formalization is here provided in form of a diagram, built by using the Graphical Framework for Owl Ontologies, Graffoo.

In order to describe the idea in the most accurate way, different ontologies have been used:

Out of these ontologies, other have been used in this conceptual model for specific purposes: Bibframe to explicit the edition number of a print book; XSD to assign data types; LIDO for the description of each object and to declare the date of creation of the objects; PROV to explicit that a work was been influenced by another; SCHEMA was particularly useful to define the class of 'receiver' of a letter.

It was used the FOAF’s class ‘person’ to identify imaginary characters, while the CIDOC-CRM’s class ‘Person’ defines historical and real people, as defined by the ontologies’ guidelines.

Conceptual model